Mission Statement
We will empower Americans to pursue Liberty and provide voters background information about every candidate in every local (village, township, town or city), county, state and national election by providing vetted information. In addition it is the focused intention to build up our voters with needed information that will empower them to make informed decisions when voting and to be involved with their elected government leaders.
Vision Statement
We will vett and elect conservatives who are strong, kind, can withstand strong criticism, firm in standing up for the Constitution with confidence and determination.
Bottoms Up!
We are awakened! Thank you President Trump!
The left has taken over ALL of our institutions and it didn't happen overnight! We will take it back! President Trump showed us how things can be done.
We always focus on the big elections, President, senator, congress and forget about all the small ones right in our community.
And we are here to guide you, inspire you and encourage you!
It takes work and we all have to work together to take back our schools, save our children and save America! We are at a crossroads in America into Socialism and this is what all of us little people can do to stop this! If we all change our little corner of the world, the entire world will change!
Ramp up efforts to confront and reduce local sex trafficking
Support efforts to stop abuse of women and minorities
Empower and support conservative educators
Fight for justice at all levels of government and relationships
Establish equitable and honest elections
Election Integrity
Reviewing what went wrong in the November 3 election
Re-organizing the state election board
Making public the list of purged voters from the voter list provided at the polls
Hold accountable our elected officials
Monitor their actions on legislation and in committees
Flood them with contacts on a regular basis to express what they’re doing right or WRONG!
Most of all, let them know of your disapproval of how they treated the 45th President of the United States!
Develop a vetting program that determines honest conservative Americans to support for candidates
People are always asking "What can I do to make a difference? How can I help?" The society is changing to Socialism
All they have written politically
All they have stated publicly
Work ethic. Going the extra mile
Outgoing, personable - examples
Social media stand on all platforms they are on from middle school to present
More to come… OK
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